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Moms Offering Moms Support                                                            December 2004
MOMS CLUB OF NEW PORT RICHEY, SOUTH, FL                     Founded in 1987


Dear MOMS Club members,

The Thanksgiving and Winter holiday season are almost here. (If you believed the stores and shopping malls it started in September!). This is my favorite time of year! To me, the holidays mean being with family and friends. Although I do not live as close to all of my family as I used to, I am still able to see many of them throughout the holidays. I love the preparation and the anticipation for friends and family to come together. The decorations and the smells from the kitchen will always bring me back to happy years past. Not to mention the yummy food!

It seems like it was just yesterday I was sitting at the kid’s table at my grandmother’s house for Thanksgiving. My brother and I were putting smiley face stickers all over ourselves as we waited with anticipation for the meal to begin. We ate until we were so full it felt as if we could burst. We then left the dining room and played with our cousins. All the while the adults were cooking, setting, cleaning, and talking. Now I am the adult doing all of those things and my son, nieces and nephews are at the kid’s table!

Sometimes though, I get so caught up in the preparation and I forget why I love it all. It is hard to remember what the reason is for all of it is. Being hostess, chef, decorator, not to mention wife and mom can feel like a lot at times. But, when I watch the children working on holiday crafts with friends, singing holiday songs, and spending time with their family and friends, I remember what it is all about for me. Being with family and friends!

I feel so lucky to have all of the friends I have met through the MOMS Club this past year. I am excited to include all of you in my holiday plans for this year and I look forward to having our children build their holiday memories together!

Happy holidays!


DISCLAIMER:  The many opinions expressed in the MOMS Club News reflect the diversity of our membership.  The MOMS Club newsletter includes advertising.  We do not necessarily endorse the products, opinions or services advertised.